Trajectory related methods


dist_lp(σ1, σ2, var; verbose, p, str_stat)

Function that computes Lp distance between two trajectories of any dimension. It computes Lp distances for each observed variable (contained in get_obs_var(σ)). and then apply a statistic on these distances. Requires get_obs_var(σ1) == get_obs_var(σ2), it is verified if they are simulated from the same model. ...


  • σ1::AbstractTrajectory is the first trajectory. σ2 is the second.
  • var::Symbol is an observed variable. Have to be contained in get_obs_var(σ1) and get_obs_var(σ2).
  • verbose::Bool If true, launch a verbose execution of the computation.



dist_lp(σ1, σ2; verbose, p, str_stat)

Function that computes Lp distance between two trajectories of any dimension. It computes Lp distances for each observed variable (contained in get_obs_var(σ)). and then apply a statistic on these distances. Requires get_obs_var(σ1) == get_obs_var(σ2), it is verified if they are simulated from the same model. ...


  • σ1::AbstractTrajectory is the first trajectory. σ2 is the second.
  • verbose::Bool If true, launch a verbose execution of the computation.
  • str_stat::String allows to set the statistic to apply on the distances computed of the trajectories.

Only "mean" is available for now on. ...


dist_lp(l_σ1, l_σ2; verbose, p, str_stat_list, str_stat_trajectory)

Function that computes Lp distance between two set of any dimensional trajectories. ...


  • l_σ1::Vector{AbstractTrajectory} is the first set of trajectories. l_σ2 is the second.
  • verbose::Bool If true, launch a verbose execution of the computation.
  • str_stat_list::String allows to set the statistic to apply on the distances of the trajectories.

It is salso called linkage function in clustering field. Only "mean" is available for now on. ...
